Friday 21 January 2011


These guys know how to knock up a bicycle, Fresh Tripe make some lovely bikes from a modern take on a traditional bakers bike to a vintage toddlers single speed.

Friday 14 January 2011

In she came 
We danced and danced around the room
Another year, winters bite and fires burn

Times grace was our good fortune 

Thursday 6 January 2011

Plenty of time


Uniform wares have a range of wrist watches, the 200 series that are right up my street. I like the inspiration behind this collection of watches which is based upon industry and engineering, its easy to see, look at that watch face!

A watch shouldn't be a fancy thing or take over half of your forearm, and here are a range that has a design that is understated in a way that enables both the girls and the boys to wear these utilitarian time pieces.

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Handsome Bicycles

For Christmas my lovely lady bought me Bone-shaker magazine, which is bursting at the seems with interesting stories and handsome bicycles.

The cover was worth the purchase alone!